I know, I know...we've heard a lot about Alabama in the news recently and you might fall on one side or the other of the current debate about the state issuing licenses of marriage to same sex couples. However, did you know that Alabama is on the forefront of another area of law that almost anyone can support?
This area of law is called Collaborative Practice and an enabling statue was adopted into law on May 20, 2013 making Alabama the eighth state to adopt such legislation as the Alabama Uniform Collaborative Law Act at Ala. Code 6-6-26, et. seq. It codifies the ability of lawyers in Alabama to act in the interest of parties seeking to resolve their disputes under the concept of "informed consent" in which each party to the dispute agrees to provide sufficient information so that the other party can make an informed decision regarding the outcome of the dispute. This process is protected via codification of the Alabama Uniform Collaborative Law Act and protection of any negotiations in the Collaborative process being inadmissable.
Collaborative Divorce is the most common use of the Alabama Uniform Collaborative Law Act because it allows a process for spouses to rise above the emotional issues between each other and focus on the post-divorce care, development and security of their children and other concerns. Donna Byrd and Brian Walding both specialize in this arena of practice with WALDING LLC. Additionally, the Alabama Uniform Collaborative Law Act can be beneficial in resolving disputes in closely held family companies or disputes between high profile employees and employers looking to sever their relationships while maintaining an ability to maintain a relationship going forward.
Although folks might be divided on certain issues within our state, hopefully, anyone can see the value in resolving a dispute and maintaining ongoing relationships despite the basis of dispute. That is what we feel driven to help folks with at WALDING LLC. Whether it's a divorce situation or a business conflict, we are ready to help in any way we can to bridge the divide and allow for all parties to work together moving forward. Please contact Donna Byrd or Brian Walding to investigate if collaborative practice is right for your divorce or other disputes.