How Do I Start a Business in Alabama? Here are the Answers!

Our firm receives requests about simple business start ups on a routine basis. Below is a memorandum that our firm has provided to potential business start ups in the past for informational purposes only. This memorandum is focused on single-member limited liability companies in Alabama. The issues become more complex with multiple member limited liability companies.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at WALDING, LLC and we will work to help you establish your business. This memorandum is not to be construed as legal advice provided by our firm to you.


Tax Sale Purchasers Beware: Demand in Motion Qualifies as Written Demand Under Redemption Statute

Tax sale and redemption practitioners should note, as did the Court of Civil Appeals, that section 40-10-122(d) does not specify any particular manner of delivery of written demand for insurance premiums and improvements. Instead, any form of written communication—all written correspondence (whether handwritten or typed), electronic communications such as email, pleadings, motions, and most other types of communications--likely qualify as a “written demand” triggering the tax sale purchaser’s duty to respond and provide the amount claimed. More generally, though, because the right to seek reimbursement of insurance premiums, preservation improvements, and permanent improvements is statutory in nature, the practitioner must take extra care in complying with any deadlines or schedules contemplated by the redemption statute.

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